Intan Nadia

My photo
Seoul, Malaysia
my name is Intan Nadia. currently one of SPM candidates for 2011. will continue to update my blogger after the end of my SPM papers. a big fan of Kpop, Anime & Jrock. all I want are 9A+ for my SPM, go to Japan and continue my study in Korea. hope you guys will enjoy reading all my old posts ^___^

20 November 2010


some words in Orange Caramel's latest song reminds me to some of humans;

aing aing ~> AiMin

kkeoi kkeoi ~> NajKey

and last but not least, oing oing ~> A***Pig!

hahahaha xD


  1. haha
    my name was mention ah..
    part alynpig je haha
    xtau nak ckp ape yea

  2. haha. comel kan? weh nama dia tu tak boleh kau sebut dgn jelas lg ke syg?

  3. xbole doe..haha dah name die dah dimention nak buat mcmne..haha
